
Dear Me

By on Jan 20, 2017 |

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” If you could write a note to the you from a year ago, to prepare for the year ahead, what would you say?” – Ali Nelson.

I saw this prompt on a blog yesterday and it really struck a chord with me. Here’s my letter to January 2016 Me from January 2017 Me.

Dear January 2016 Me,

This is a very hard letter to write. You have not met me but I know you. On New Year’s Eve 2015, I heard you say, “Well, 2016 has got to be better than 2015 has been.” It really hurt me to hear you say that because I already know what 2016 has in store for you.

I don’t want you to be scared or afraid to start each day anew, but you are going to be challenged physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The good news is that you will make it to meet me in January 2017.

Things will happen that will be completely out of your control. Please try to believe me when I tell you that God is in control. You may not understand it as these events happen, but please try to remain strong in your faith. You will waver and question everything you have ever believed about your faith. Just promise me that you will stay the course. Seek the wisdom of those who are strong in their faith when you begin to falter.

I will give you the promise that you will not be alone through the difficult times. Your friends, acquaintances, and people you haven’t even met yet will surprise you with their kindness and generosity of spirit. You will not be alone.

Enjoy the ordinary days. Try to recognize that each of these days are sacred. Continue to build relationships and memories with your family. Try to let the little things go. Focus on the laughter, the hugs, and the kisses. Focus on the “I love you’s” Love and accept each other without condition.

There will be many wonderful things that will happen along the way. Enjoy those once in a lifetime moments.

Try to be gentle with yourself. Try to move through your trials with dignity and grace. If you need help, ask. You will be surprised at the people you will encounter this year that will show you how much you are loved in a way that you have never experienced. You will discover an inner strength that you would never dream that you possess.

Please trust me when I say that you will meet me in a year. You will be changed, a little banged up and bruised, but you will make it. Neither of us have met January 2018 Us yet, but our greatest strength is our hope that we will meet January 2018 Us and together we will be stronger.

I love you because you try so hard to do the right thing and you have the ability to get up every morning to do the next right thing.


January 2017 Me

Peace and Love

Cindy Magee
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