
37 Things that I Learned in 2017

By on Jan 2, 2018 | 6 comments

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When 2017 began I was beginning my third month as a bereaved parent.  As I reflect upon the past year I realize that I have learned a lot about myself and how I have grown as a person.

  1. There are many parents from all over the world who have lost children.  I am not alone.
  2. If I look and listen to my soul, there is an opportunity for spiritual growth in abundance.
  3. This experience creates the space to simplify life socially, physically, emotionally.
  4. There are beautiful people in the world who will love me in the most unexpected ways.
  5. I have learned a new level for compassion that I didn’t know I needed to learn.
  6. I have learned to cut through the pretenses of life and the beauty of living authentically.
  7. I am becoming the “me” that I was always meant to be.
  8. I have the opportunity to help others in grief.
  9. I have had the opportunity to bring attention to society the issues of mental illness and suicide.
  10. I have had the honor of bonding with other bereaved parents all over the globe in the most personal way possible through mutual respect and demonstrations of love.
  11. I have a greater depth of understanding about what “Eternal Life” really means.  This may be the most important thing that I have learned.
  12. I have a belief in heaven as a spiritual realm more strongly than I could have imagined.  My son has given me a front row seat.
  13. I have a belief in God that surpassed anything I could have dreamed of before my son passed.
  14. I have a desire to love unconditionally.  Everyone.
  15. I have the desire to always be in the moment of whatever it is I am doing.  Right here is where I am.
  16. I have a newfound gratitude for the smallest of kindnesses.  When you have felt the worst possible feeling in the world every kindness is appreciated.
  17. I have the belief in the goodness of people.  Most people want to do the right thing.
  18. I have the knowledge that not everyone grows at the same spiritual rate of speed.  That’s ok.  When the time is right for them they will receive the message.
  19. When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
  20. I have learned what love is and the Source.
  21. My goal for 2018 is for others to see goodness and light in me.
  22. My purpose is to show light and love.
  23. A loss of this magnitude shocked my mind and body into a new life.
  24. I can survive and thrive if I choose.
  25. Everyone is on their own soul journey.
  26. There can be beauty in the pain if we look for it.
  27. I have learned to surround myself with people who are peaceful and can accept the “me” I am now.
  28. I  was born into a new life when my child died.
  29. I have learned a new way to love my son in his present state and sometimes that means letting go of the old and embracing the new.
  30. I have learned the true meaning of faith, hope, and love.
  31. I have been given a glimpse behind the veil by noticing the signs my son sends. I know heaven exists.
  32. I have learned to be bold in my belief and it is okay for others to not agree with me.  They only need to receive what resonates with them at that time.
  33. My son touched many lives and continues to touch lives in ways that I am not aware of.
  34. My beautiful child was born to live and die.  I was not in control of when that would happen.
  35. I have the opportunity to continue to love in my child’s memory.
  36. I can choose to create new memories and traditions while cherishing the old.
  37. I know my son wants me to love my life and he is smiling while I live it.

I look forward to growing, loving, and embracing 2018.  If I haven’t met you yet, I hope to meet you soon.


Peace and love.



Cindy Magee
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