Imagine that you have been given the opportunity to be the star of your own television show. Is it a comedy, mystery, drama? Is your show something other people would watch? It is so easy to get in a rut. We do the same things out of habit instead of doing them because they add value to our lives. An example of this for me would be on HGTV on Tuesday afternoons is a Fixer Upper marathon. If I am at home I turn it on and see what Chip and Joanna are up to. Guess what? They are up to the same thing they were up to the last 10 times I saw these same episodes. I love their style. I love the part of the show where she styles the house to get it ready for the big reveal. I always think, oooh! I loooove that! I could do that! The episode ends with a happy, happy family. Then I begin watching the next episode with maybe a bathroom or snack break in between. Well guess what? I am watching...