I shared yesterday with you about my dream of Will the previous night. I could not get him off my mind all day. I was puttering in the house all day getting ready for Christmas and hearing Will’s voice in my head. “ I am so sorry, Mom. I am so sorry.” I was nearing the end of my puttering, when about 5:00, the idea randomly popped into my head that my husband and I needed to go see the new Mister Rogers movie. I consulted the movie listings and the next showing would be at 6:50. The movie began with Mister Rogers speaking directly into the camera with the most soothing voice I think I have ever heard. I felt the rushing and stress of the day melt from my body. Also, I could feel Will with me there. It was such a relaxing experience. I always take a fleece blanket to the movie at our new reclining chair theater for maximum enjoyment. I was thoroughly immersed in this little slice of...