
“You Are So Strong”

By on Mar 11, 2022 | 2 comments

I vividly recall the first time after my son’s passing that someone said to me,” You are so strong. I would die if something happened to one of my kids.” It was two weeks after my son’s funeral. It was the first time I had ventured out with my daughter in an attempt to spend some quality time with her. We stopped at a fast food place for a beverage. A woman whom I had never met but somehow knew me, approached me and said the above. I had no idea how to respond in that moment. Internally, I was upset that she said this to me. She was the first of many more to make a comment along this line in the first months. In truth, I had once told my kids, “ If anything were to ever happen to you I would die.” I am sure this woman had said the same to her children. She probably believed this just as I once did. The truth at that time was I had never felt less strong. I felt like my life had lost...